The Center for Equitable Policy in a Changing World is committed to an interdisciplinary suite of methodologies reflective of the diverse academic backgrounds of its team (PhDs in applied mathematics, history and anthropology, political science, and computer science). It seeks to combine the research questions and analytical framework of the social sciences with the processing power of data science to answer questions in a way that solely qualitative or quantitative organizations do not.
A healthy democracy is dependent on a politically active, informed citizenry and denizenry. In order to engage successfully, people must be educated so that they can effectively understand and place political activity into its social and historical contexts and ultimately make decisions that reflect the nexus of their interests and the integrity of the democractic process.
Furthermore, research is most effective at influencing politics, policy, and public discourse when paired with open-access, entertaining, articulate writing, discussion, and consultation from a range of voices and perspectives. The most influential works both edify and entertain.